Odisha players Kabir Hans and Ameek Kiran Batth bagged singles titles in AITA U-18 Championship Series Tennis Tournaments, held at different places yesterday and today respectively. Bhubaneswar lad Kabir emerged champion, defeating Dhruv Tangri 6-3, 6-3 in the final at AR Academy in Ahmedabad.
This was the 15th overall and ninth singles title for Kabir in AITA tournaments. Earlier, he created tennis history by becoming the first Odisha player to reach final of an ITF Junior (U-18) Tournament in Utarakhand Open at Dehradun in March this year.
Bhubaneswar lass Ameek was crowned under-18 girls champion in the BTA-AITA Championship Series Tournament at BTA Complex in Kolkata. In the final, she beat Shatavisa Ghosh of West Bengal 6-2, 6-1. This was 21st overall and 10th singles title for Ameek in AITA tournaments.
PHOTO: Ameek Kiran Batth receives her trophy in Kolkata on June 19, 2018.